Treadmill running without a treadmill
What if you want to run on a treadmill… but can’t afford a treadmill? Maybe this is your answer. Give it a try? 😉
What if you want to run on a treadmill… but can’t afford a treadmill? Maybe this is your answer. Give it a try? 😉
Tired of people asking the same ‘ole questions as you walk or run barefoot (or in Xero Shoes)? Well, how ’bout some shirts that do the speaking for you? I’ve got a series of them planned out… here’s the first two (one “generic” and one Xero). Click on the image to order… Oh, and you […]
There are a number of semi-celebrities in the barefoot running world (that is, famous in the niche, but not necessarily well known to the general public). But there’s one man whose influence and value to those of us who support and benefit from natural movement eclipses all the celebs combined. His name is Bill Katovsky […]
Greg Makuch’s story is one that EVERY runner — barefoot or shod — should hear. I won’t say any more until you watch it, below. What I LOVE about Greg’s story is how he brought a sense of wonder and curiosity to his journey. “I’ll never run again… really?” “These sandals make noise… wait, if […]
I just did the world’s fastest triathlon. A TRUE sprint triathlon. That was #mytri. Share this and let’s get more people doing THEIR triathlons. Now let me see yours!
The filmmakers of GOSHEN, an award winning documentary highlighting the benefits of the Tarahumara running tribe’s “barefoot sandals” are offering FREE VIEWING of the full film for two days only — Saturday and Sunday, October 10-11. Watch GOSHEN here, or rent it for free for Saturday/Sunday by going to www.GoshenFilm.com/buy-dvd.html and use the coupon code […]
Looking for a Xero Shoes Coupon Code? Well, then STOP. Because they don’t exist. If you look on our Shopping Cart page or Checkout page, you’ll see that we don’t have anywhere to enter coupon code. We don’t use them. So when you see someone advertising that they have coupons for Xero Shoes they are […]
Sometimes I think the Internet brings out the worst in people. If you search for “Xero Shoes Coupons” you will find a TON of sites saying they coupons for saving money on Xero Shoes. The problem is that they’re fake. All of them. It’s a real hassle for us because we’ll get calls from customers, […]
This just in from the “WHAT A SHOCK… NOT” category: Runner who gets paid millions from shoe company says he won’t run barefoot! In an interview with The Guardian, Bernard Lagat, the Kenyan-American 13-time medal winning middle- and long-distance runner, is asked by Kate Carter: So, um, ever run barefoot? Bernard’s response: [Laughs] Well, since […]
Our Customer Happiness Manager, Janice, has been on a roll, creating new DIY sandal designs. This latest was inspired by our Z-Trek sandals. It uses the “loop” idea from this sandal, and the Heel Strap from our Amuri sandals. Remember, when you make a kit that has laces touching the ground (like the outside edge […]