Does barefoot running cause calf pain?

Does Barefoot Running Cause Calf Pain? – Xero Shoes

People making the transition to running barefoot or in minimalist shoes sometimes experience calf pain or even calf injuries. They can also feel pain in their Achilles tendon. I have talked with plenty of people who assume this kind of pain is just part of the transition process from running in typical running shoes to […]

Do you need to call the Superheros of Health?

We take a break from our usual chat about barefoot running and walking for this: I don’t think it’s much of a confession to say that I’m a total health and fitness geek. I love keeping up on the research about strength training (most recently: power factor training), diet (my latest obsession: resistant starch), supplementation […]

Can you run long distance in sandals? You bet!

There’s nothing I find funnier than when I’m running in my Xero Shoes sandals and someone asks, “Can you run in those?” Uh… you’re WATCHING me run in them! Well, when I tell non-runners that some people run 100k ultramarathons in huaraches, they’re incredulous. Now I don’t need to explain anything, I can just show […]

Running shoes are better than barefoot... sometimes

The one reason to avoid barefoot running

Look, I’m the first one to say that barefoot running isn’t for every person under every circumstance. Granted, I’ll say that it’s great for almost everyone, almost all of the time. But every now and then, you need a pair of shoes. Certain restaurants or businesses require SOME form of footwear (one of the reasons […]

Barefoot Running Truth Infographic

The truth about barefoot running finally revealed in an Infographic

Finally, all the statistics and information about barefoot running you need to know. Enjoy! And SHARE! (click to see full size) Here’s my commentary on the infographic 🙂 The content of this post does not constitute and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice […]

The ultimate zero drop zero stack height footwear

Two key components of a barefoot shoe (or minimalist shoe) are “drop” and “stack height.” Drop is the height difference between the heel and ball of the foot. When you stand on the ground, your heel and feet are at the same height, which means “zero-drop.” Stack Height is the thickness of whatever is under […]

Can I run barefoot in the cold?

I’ve posted a few times about running barefoot in the cold (or in Xero Shoes)… check out this link, for example. But, inspired by a video I just received from Andreas Cederström in Sweden, I thought you would enjoy this: (Pardon the lag between video and audio… weird Google Hangout effect) You can find Andreas’ […]

Leg length differences and barefoot running

Can you run barefoot if your legs are different lengths? This is a question I get at least once a week. And I think the answer may be surprising. Watch this video that I made with Joshua Gordon about barefoot running technique and leg length issues (and a LOT more). Then leave a comment below […]

Running with the Tarahumara in Costa Rica

Want to run with the Tarahumara (the Mexican tribe featured in Chris McDougall’s bestseller, Born to Run)? Well, if you can’t make it to the Copper Canyon, or anywhere else for that matter, here’s the next best thing. Ultra runners Jonathan Sinclair and Melissa Gosse went to Costa Rica for La Ruta 100k, arguably the […]