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Barefoot Running

Man running on hamster wheel

Is running in our DNA?

One reason scientists study mice is, much as we may not want to admit it, we have a lot in common with our rodent relatives. We share enough DNA and physiology that studying mice often reveals quite a bit about us humans. So, does this recent study from Leiden University explain why many of us […]

Daniel Lieberman studies the Tarahumara running

Dr. Daniel Lieberman is one of the fathers of the barefoot running movement. His study showing how barefoot runners strike the ground with less force than shod runners, combined with Christopher McDougall’s book, Born to Run, catalyzed the growth of barefoot and minimalist running. Well, it’s as if Dr. Lieberman had a child with BTR, […]

Happy Born to Run release day!

May 5th is an important day in the barefoot running world. And, for the same reason, it’s one of the most important days in the Xero Shoes world. What makes it so important? As Brian Metzler from Competitor.com reminded me, “Journalist Christopher McDougall’s best-selling book “Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race […]

Is your body optimized for running?

Harvard’s Daniel Lieberman is one of the two or three people most responsible for the barefoot running boom (Christopher McDougall, who wrote Born to Run, is another… you can vote for who the third should be). Daniel is an anthropologist and has some fascinating ideas about why the way humans run (and sweat) gave us […]

Khanh scaling the Stratosphere Hotel in his barefoot sandals by Xero Shoes

I dare you to run barefoot! Or bigfoot. Or both!

What inspires someone to take off their shoes and run barefoot? For Khanh Nguyen it was knee pain and the hope that barefoot running would help. Once he got started, in bare feet and in Xero Shoes, he was on fire. He’s run 1/2 marathons, mud races and, most recently, he ran UP the Stratosphere […]

Can I run barefoot in the cold?

I’ve posted a few times about running barefoot in the cold (or in Xero Shoes)… check out this link, for example. But, inspired by a video I just received from Andreas Cederström in Sweden, I thought you would enjoy this: (Pardon the lag between video and audio… weird Google Hangout effect) You can find Andreas’ […]

Leg length differences and barefoot running

Can you run barefoot if your legs are different lengths? This is a question I get at least once a week. And I think the answer may be surprising. Watch this video that I made with Joshua Gordon about barefoot running technique and leg length issues (and a LOT more). Then leave a comment below […]

Running with the Tarahumara in Costa Rica

Want to run with the Tarahumara (the Mexican tribe featured in Chris McDougall’s bestseller, Born to Run)? Well, if you can’t make it to the Copper Canyon, or anywhere else for that matter, here’s the next best thing. Ultra runners Jonathan Sinclair and Melissa Gosse went to Costa Rica for La Ruta 100k, arguably the […]

Barefoot running on Youtube – A webinar with Jon and Mel

Think you can’t run an ultra-marathon? Well, think again. Maybe your limitations aren’t what you imagine them to be. I just had a great chat with ultra-runners, Jonathan Sinclair and Melissa Gosse that I know you’ll love, whether you ever plan to run an ultra or not. Watch the webinar and you’ll learn: Do you […]

Men's Health Barefoot Running Stumbles

Men’s Health Barefoot Running Article … more of the same

The recent “Special Report” in Men’s Health about barefoot running has inspired me to help you make a career change. You, too, can write an article about barefoot running that will appear in a major newpaper, magazine, or television show, if you do the following. Ten Steps to writing a popular barefoot running article Open with […]


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Warranty Info

When people ask, “How long will my Xero Shoes last?” we say, “We don’t know, but it’s going to be a long, long time!”

That’s why we offer this 5,000 mile sole warranty.

If you wear your FeelTrue® outsoles (or FeelTrue® section of Z-Trail) down to less than 1mm thick at the ball or heel of the foot (not an edge), we’ll replace them with the same product for the following price:

60% off MSRP (full, non-sale, listed, retail price) for the product, plus shipping.

We also offer a 24 Month Manufacturing Warranty, which covers defects and flaws that may happen in the first two years. We will offer a free replacement for orders that qualify.

If you have a manufacturing concern, please email our Customer Service team at [email protected] and include a photo of the issue with your current shipping address. For closed toed shoes, please include another photo with the tongue tag.