• We ship globally
5,000 Mile Sole Warranty
79,127 5-Star Reviews
Natural Fit, Feel and Motion
1,000,000+ Happy Customers


Kelly C’s Super Cool DIY Sandal Tying Style

We believe anyone can have the superpower of making their own shoes. Our DIY Kit allows you to cut your footbed and lace away as you wish. However, some of our customers, like Kelly Culp, take it a step further and create extraordinary lace styles like this one, to share with the Xero Shoes world.  […]

COVID-19 Shipping

Due to COVID-19, many countries have suspended postal deliveries, and many others are experiencing extremely long delivery times, something we, unfortunately, learned AFTER shipping many parcels during our recent sale. The below list includes countries we are currently unable to ship to due to COVID-19. Please note this list includes Israel. In addition, there may […]

How to Avoid Injuries with Minimalist Shoes – Xero Shoes

How To Avoid Injuries When Transitioning To Minimalist Shoes by Danny Dreyer, Founder of ChiRunning/ChiWalking, www.chirunning.com Updated: July 22, 2022 The minimalist running shoe boom, a trend that the pain-free ChiRunning technique welcomes, has led to a discussion about the issue of running injuries. There have been reports of new types or increased rates of […]

Do Running Shoes CAUSE Injuries?

When I talk to many runners who still use “traditional” running shoes,and then tell them about Xero Shoes, they often say “Well, there’s a debate about barefoot/minimalist shoes.” First, the quotes are because what we call “traditional” running shoes have only been around for  less than 0.05% of the time humans have been wearing protective […]

Spot Xero Shoes During Your Next Safari!

Introducing the Front Runner, the first shoe designed to improve the health and performance of rehabilitating cheetahs. The design idea came from New York City Zoologist, Dr. Lex Rodriguez, after noticing that when cheetahs were released back into the wild, the paws of these magnificent cats were not able to handle sticker burrs, hot gravel, […]

How to Perfect Your Balance

Have you always thought that you just aren’t someone with good balance and that’s that? Think again. It is totally possible to improve your balance! So how do you do it?  Just like a weightlifter needs to lift progressively heavier weights to get stronger, if you want to improve your balance, you need to challenge your […]

Foot Care for Endurance Athletes

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet.” Khalil Gibran Of the 206 bones in your body, 52 are in your feet. Each and every one contributes to getting you to where you are going and is a potential major hindrance if not cared for. As a long distance, long term […]

Can you get Energy Return from your shoe’s cushioning?

I wish more people understood physics better. Sure, I say this in part because I got interested in physics at an early age. When I was 14, I was tutoring people 3-5x my age in antenna design, electronics, and other physics-related topics (I was an Extra class ham radio operator). But the other reason is […]

Why it Makes Sense to Switch Your Shoes During Pregnancy

From a big picture standpoint, pregnancy is a time of growth and change.  The anatomy of a mother’s body is rapidly adapting to the projected growth of the fetus (things like a widening pelvis and ribcage, changes in spinal curvatures, stretching of abdominal tissues, and shifts in the center of gravity). A lot of the […]

Finding Genius Podcast: A Shoe that Puts your Foot’s Desire First

Modern athletic shoes seem to be constantly changing and improving, with the newest versions usually coming out with extra padding in certain locations and backed by claims of being good for your body by absorbing the shock of running. But does anyone ever ask to see the evidence that supports the claims these major shoe […]


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Warranty Info

When people ask, “How long will my Xero Shoes last?” we say, “We don’t know, but it’s going to be a long, long time!”

That’s why we offer this 5,000 mile sole warranty.

If you wear your FeelTrue® outsoles (or FeelTrue® section of Z-Trail) down to less than 1mm thick at the ball or heel of the foot (not an edge), we’ll replace them with the same product for the following price:

60% off MSRP (full, non-sale, listed, retail price) for the product, plus shipping.

We also offer a 24 Month Manufacturing Warranty, which covers defects and flaws that may happen in the first two years. We will offer a free replacement for orders that qualify.

If you have a manufacturing concern, please email our Customer Service team at [email protected] and include a photo of the issue with your current shipping address. For closed toed shoes, please include another photo with the tongue tag.