Busting the Myths of Barefoot with Xero Shoes’ Founder
Xero Shoes’ founder and CEO Steven Sashen joins Fox Denver in-studio to bust the myths of barefoot running!
Xero Shoes’ founder and CEO Steven Sashen joins Fox Denver in-studio to bust the myths of barefoot running!
DO NOT BUY Xero Shoes from these sellers! In short, if you see NEW Xero Shoes for sale at significant discounts, they are not authorized sellers and you will most likely be giving your credit card information to thieves who are engaged in various types of ecommerce and credit card fraud. The latest site to […]
I don’t need to tell you that 2020 has been unbelievably challenging and stressful. And while I’m a big fan of facing reality head-on, every now and then it’s nice to take a mental break and imagine things being better than they are. Sometimes MUCH, MUCH better. So, to give your brain some things to […]
The new 30-by-30 documentary, “The Infinite Race” about the Tarahumara premieres on December 15th. Outside magazine reviewed the movie and here’s a review of the review… which is important to understand to, well, understand the movie. I’ll be reviewing the movie, too, but this “meta-analysis” might put things into context for you. I’m not completely […]
This post is NOT what you think. But then again, it kinda is. 😉 Check out this video and let me know if you’re a SMART runner. In short, there are two aspects to wearing running shoes from “Big Shoe” (note how that = “B.S.”) which could not only affect your brain, but whether you’re […]
The video below shows you how to make your own Tyvek® wallet envelope in just a few minutes. Or download these FREE PLANS for The ULTIMATE DIY Minimalist Tyvek Envelope Wallet We can’t wait to see your creation. A minimalist wallet to match your minimalist Xero Shoes 😉
I have a small number of fantasies. One that I’ve had since 1993 is to be in Wired magazine. I’ve been a subscriber since issue #1 and, back in the 90s I was more actively involved in the tech world, which was Wired’s domain. But as technology became more ubiquitous, Wired expanded its reach into […]
Physics. It’s not just a good idea, it’s the law. Want to improve your running technique? I have three suggestions: Watch robots run Watch little kids run Learn to run on ice! Running Robots The gang at Boston Dynamics are creating robots that do AMAZING things. For one, check out this one: Oh, sure, it’s […]
I got a call a couple months ago: “Hey, is Darin Olien wearing Xero Shoes on the Netflix show ‘Down to Earth with Zac Efron?” WHAT?! I rushed to log in to Netflix, found the show and, HEY! Look what I saw: I know it’s hard to tell, but I’m wired to spot Xero Shoes […]
Why do experts say that if you want to learn to run naturally, or barefoot, you should start on a smooth, hard surface? (Hear Harvard’s Dr. Irene Davis talk about this on the podcast she did with Dr. Peter Attia here) The answer: Because that’s how you get the most feedback about your form… and […]