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5,000 Mile Sole Warranty
79,127 5-Star Reviews
Natural Fit, Feel and Motion
1,000,000+ Happy Customers


Do Running Shoes CAUSE Injuries?

When I talk to many runners who still use “traditional” running shoes,and then tell them about Xero Shoes, they often say “Well, there’s a debate about barefoot/minimalist shoes.” First, the quotes are because what we call “traditional” running shoes have only been around for  less than 0.05% of the time humans have been wearing protective […]

Are you running WRONG?

What’s the difference between “good running” and “bad running”? Those of us who promote natural movement and barefoot running have some thoughts about that. Typically, we talk about: Landing with your foot “under your body” (don’t reach out in front of your body with your foot — “overstriding”) Increase your cadence a bit (there’s no […]

A Rubber Band is the Secret to Better Running?

Could a new form of foot binding be the secret to better running? I don’t mean wrapping up your feet in the infamous style of ancient China, but something developed by some mechanical engineers at the University of California, Santa Barbara. In short, they attached some rubber tubing between runners shoes and found that they […]

5 Tips to Help Prevent Running Injuries

While it’s not possible to never get injured when running (or living, for that matter), here are 5 tips to help keep injuries at bay.   What do you think? Have any other tips? Leave them in the comments, below. Think other people could use these tips? Share this page. Want it for yourself?   […]

The Evolution of Xero Shoes in an Ultra Marathon Running Couple

Xero Shoes is a company that has come a long way. Looking back, we have come quite a long way as runners and adventurers. As we’ve grown, we’ve realized what a long way we’ve come WITH our Xero Shoes. We ordered our first pair of Xero Shoes in 2013 after reading the book Born to […]

An Easy Running Program for Beginners

When I tell people that I love distance running, I often get reprimanded. “You’re going to blow out your knees,” people warn me.  I don’t know if they genuinely think they are going to save me from the perils of ACL surgery or if people just like to get on a soapbox, but it’s getting […]

A man and a woman running side by side on a dirt road.


The more time you spend researching barefoot running and minimalist running — the more articles, interviews with doctors or runners, news stories, and research you dive into — the more you’ll hear one particular warning. Transition to barefoot running SLOWLY. If you make the transition too quickly, you’ll get hurt. Actually, if the piece supports […]

What’s the WORST surface for running barefoot?

When I tell people that I run barefoot (or when they see me out running without any shoes), the first response I get is: “Oh, so you run on the grass?” Or when I suggest to people that they might want to try running barefoot, the first thing they say is, “With my feet/knees/ankles/eyelashes, I’d […]

Lydiard Training Plan for Runners

Arthur Lydiard was one of the most accomplished running coaches of all time and his training methods revolutionized the sport. The Lydiard Foundation is carrying on Arthur’s teachings, led by Lorraine Moller, a 4-time Olympian and Olympic bronze medalist in the marathon, and Nobby Hashizume. If you’re looking for a distance running training program, the […]

Become a Better Runner — 3 Free Chi Running Lessons

If you want to become a better runner… or start running enjoyably, then you’ll like this video introduction to Chi Running. But, more, you’ll like the 3 Free Lessons you get from Danny Dreyer, creator of Chi Running, when you CLICK HERE


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Warranty Info

When people ask, “How long will my Xero Shoes last?” we say, “We don’t know, but it’s going to be a long, long time!”

That’s why we offer this 5,000 mile sole warranty.

If you wear your FeelTrue® outsoles (or FeelTrue® section of Z-Trail) down to less than 1mm thick at the ball or heel of the foot (not an edge), we’ll replace them with the same product for the following price:

60% off MSRP (full, non-sale, listed, retail price) for the product, plus shipping.

We also offer a 24 Month Manufacturing Warranty, which covers defects and flaws that may happen in the first two years. We will offer a free replacement for orders that qualify.

If you have a manufacturing concern, please email our Customer Service team at [email protected] and include a photo of the issue with your current shipping address. For closed toed shoes, please include another photo with the tongue tag.