• We ship globally
5,000 Mile Sole Warranty
79,127 5-Star Reviews
Natural Fit, Feel and Motion
1,000,000+ Happy Customers


Proper foot placement when running

If someone tells me they’re having almost any problem or issue with natural running, the odds are well over 75% that the issue comes from “overstriding.” Overstriding is when you land with your foot further out in front of your body than is necessary or ideal. Watch little kids run and they almost never do […]

Become a Part-Owner of Xero Shoes

Now you can invest in a company you believe in, and it doesn’t cost millions to do it! Here’s a presentation I did at NextGenCrowfunding on June 16th, describing the opportunity to invest in the Future of Footwear. Find out more and see how you can become a part-owner of Xero Shoes at https://invest.xeroshoes.com   […]

The new Fidget Spinner?

All the cool kids are doing it… why don’t you try it? Okay, I cheated… I’m using a magnetic levitation display. But we still hope all the cool kids take Xero Shoes for a spin

You can own a piece of Xero Shoes

Now you can invest in the future of footwear. We’re offering a limited number of shares of stock in our company. And thanks to the new equity crowdfunding rules, you don’t need millions to invest. In fact, if you look at the bonuses that come with your investment, you may be quite surprised at the […]

No support for support?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Support makes you weak Think about it. You break your leg. You put your leg in a cast for 8 weeks. What does it look like when it comes out? Stronger? Nope. Weak and atrophied. Same thing with feet. If you “support” them and don’t let […]

Xero Shoes Launches “Natural Movement” Running/Fitness Shoe

(Broomfield, CO) March 8, 2017 – Known for their best-selling Natural Movement sandals, Xero Shoes has just launched the Prio, a running and fitness shoe for men and women. CEO, Steven Sashen, says, “Your feet are supposed to bend, move, flex, and feel the world. The Prio lets your feet do what’s natural.” The Prio […]

The Lena minimalist casual shoe for women is here!

We announced our first closed-toe shoe in October 2016, the Hana. The Hana is mostly a “men’s” shoe, even though there are LOTS of women who wear it. Well, we’re thrilled to announce the “sister” to the Hana… the Lena. And, yes, technically the Lena is a “women’s shoe,” but if you’re a man with […]

Xero Shoes Launches “Natural Movement” Shoe for Women

(Broomfield, CO) February 8, 2017 – Following on the heels of their first closed-toe shoe for men, the Hana, Xero Shoes has just introduced a women’s casual canvas shoe, the Lena. CEO, Steven Sashen, says, “Your feet are supposed to bend, move, flex, and feel the world. The Lena lets you do that with casual […]

How to pick the best barefoot running sandals?

Like the idea of barefoot running, but want a bit of protection from what you could step on, or IN? For thousands of years, humans have run in sandals, and you can, too. Perhaps the most famous sandal-wearing runners are the Tarahumara Indians of the Copper Canyon in Mexico. They were the stars of the […]


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Warranty Info

When people ask, “How long will my Xero Shoes last?” we say, “We don’t know, but it’s going to be a long, long time!”

That’s why we offer this 5,000 mile sole warranty.

If you wear your FeelTrue® outsoles (or FeelTrue® section of Z-Trail) down to less than 1mm thick at the ball or heel of the foot (not an edge), we’ll replace them with the same product for the following price:

60% off MSRP (full, non-sale, listed, retail price) for the product, plus shipping.

We also offer a 24 Month Manufacturing Warranty, which covers defects and flaws that may happen in the first two years. We will offer a free replacement for orders that qualify.

If you have a manufacturing concern, please email our Customer Service team at [email protected] and include a photo of the issue with your current shipping address. For closed toed shoes, please include another photo with the tongue tag.