• We ship globally
5,000 Mile Sole Warranty
79,127 5-Star Reviews
Natural Fit, Feel and Motion
1,000,000+ Happy Customers


Can’t Find the Size, Color, or Style You Want? Here’s why…

We know that some people are upset because we may not have the size, or color, or style of the Xero Shoe that they want. Huge apologies. Clearly, it’s not our intention to run out of inventory and be unable to replace it in a timely manner. It’s happening for a few reasons, that I […]

Fitness for Executives – Dobbycizing

Trying to get a good workout, but don’t have enough time? Xero Shoes CFO and co-founder, Lena Phoenix, has a new workout program that I know you’ll love. Do you have a similar fitness plan? If so, we’d love to see it!

Maximal Shoes Not a Solution?

From the “We told you so” file comes this new bit of running shoe research: The study concluded that runners experienced a higher impact peak and increased loading rate with the “maximal” shoes. Increases in both factors are associated with a greater likelihood of injury, such as plantar fasciitis and tibial stress fractures. Actually, this […]

Xero Shoes Named Winner of Three Top Colorado Companies Awards

(Broomfield, CO) June 22, 2018 – Feel the World, Inc. (dba Xero Shoes) maker of addictively comfortable shoes and sandals,  has won three prestigious state and local awards: The  Colorado Office of Economic Development’s Colorado Companies to Watch, Colorado Biz magazine’s 2018 Top Women-owned Business List, and Biz West magazine’s Mercury 100. Colorado Companies to […]

How to Get Primal with Your Fitness Plan

There is certain footwear that was designed to help your feet move naturally. Similarly, there are certain movement patterns that your body was designed to do. These are called the “primal movement patterns.” The primal movement patterns should form the basis for your fitness plan if you want to move better, achieve better sports performance, […]

Xero Shoes compared to “Big Shoe”

On Friday, at their national conference, the American College of Sports Medicine hosted a panel discussion about the Science and Biomechanics of Footwear featuring representatives from Adidas, Brooks, Topo Athletic and then, me, Steven, from Xero Shoes. The room was PACKED — the highest turnout of any event at the conference. I don’t want to […]

Single Leg Exercises for Foot and Leg Strength

Any time you balance on one leg, you activate muscles in the foot that may otherwise remain underutilized. In fact, standing on one leg can be quite challenging if you’re not accustomed to it, especially when you’re barefoot. Don’t believe me? Give it a shot for yourself right now and see how long you can […]

A man and a woman running side by side on a dirt road.


The more time you spend researching barefoot running and minimalist running — the more articles, interviews with doctors or runners, news stories, and research you dive into — the more you’ll hear one particular warning. Transition to barefoot running SLOWLY. If you make the transition too quickly, you’ll get hurt. Actually, if the piece supports […]

Why Barefoot Running?

While barefoot running isn’t new, it’s popularity has been going through the roof since Christopher McDougall’s book, Born To Run, became popular in 2009. Ironically, Born To Run isn’t really about barefoot running. It’s about the Tarahumara Indians in the Copper Canyon of Mexico and how they’re able to run pain-free and injury free for […]

What’s the WORST surface for running barefoot?

When I tell people that I run barefoot (or when they see me out running without any shoes), the first response I get is: “Oh, so you run on the grass?” Or when I suggest to people that they might want to try running barefoot, the first thing they say is, “With my feet/knees/ankles/eyelashes, I’d […]


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Warranty Info

When people ask, “How long will my Xero Shoes last?” we say, “We don’t know, but it’s going to be a long, long time!”

That’s why we offer this 5,000 mile sole warranty.

If you wear your FeelTrue® outsoles (or FeelTrue® section of Z-Trail) down to less than 1mm thick at the ball or heel of the foot (not an edge), we’ll replace them with the same product for the following price:

60% off MSRP (full, non-sale, listed, retail price) for the product, plus shipping.

We also offer a 24 Month Manufacturing Warranty, which covers defects and flaws that may happen in the first two years. We will offer a free replacement for orders that qualify.

If you have a manufacturing concern, please email our Customer Service team at [email protected] and include a photo of the issue with your current shipping address. For closed toed shoes, please include another photo with the tongue tag.