Xero Shoes Slashes Weight and Bulk out of Sport Sandals with New Z-Trek

(Broomfield, CO) March 9, 2015 – For decades, sports sandals like Chaco, Teva, and Keen have been de rigeur for outdoor enthusiasts. Their downside? A brick-like weight and stiffness, with a suitcase-filling thickness.

The new Amuri Z-Trek, by Colorado-based Xero Shoes, eliminates to 70% of the weight and almost all of the bulk of the familiar sport sandal. The Z-Trek is flexible enough to roll into a 2.5″ packable tube, and a men’s size 9 weighs just 6 ounces (a similar Chaco is over a pound).

Z-Trek, like all the company’s products, is a lightweight, performance recreation sandal, that’s as likely to be seen during a walk on the beach as it is on a hike in the woods, or even in a 256k ultra marathon across Madagascar.

Comparatively, wearing the Z-Trek feels almost barefoot, but the FeelTrue® outsole — developed with former lead designers from Nike and Reebok — adds a secure sense of protection. Secure enough that it comes with the company’s unmatched 5,000 mile warranty.

Xero Shoes’ co-founders, and husband and wife team, Steven Sashen and Lena Phoenix appeared on the ABC hit show Shark Tank. “Some of the Sharks called the products we had back then ‘Just rubber and string,’” says Sashen. “The Z-Trek is clearly much more than that.”

The company started with do-it-yourself “barefoot sandal” making kits, selling over 35,000 to people in 90+ countries. With the help of their Chief Product Officer, Dennis Driscoll, they introduced ready-to-wear/ready-to-play sandals the Amuri Cloud and Venture.

The Cloud and Venture feature a patent-pending lacing system that includes a flip-flopish toe post. “Even though our lacing system makes the toe post much more comfortable than a flip flop,” adds COO and co-founder, Lena Phoenix, “we know there are lots of people who just don’t want something in between their toes. The Z-Trek solves that problem.” MSRP is also lightweight at only $59.99, less than half of some competitors’ products. Just 48 hours after announcing Z-Trek on the company website at www.XeroShoes.com, customers purchased over 752 pairs.

Visit www.XeroShoes.com to learn more about the minimalist sandal company and its barefoot-style products.


ABOUT: Feel The World, Inc. of Broomfield, CO, manufactures Xero Shoes®, lightweight, performance recreation sandals. Durable, stylish and affordable — Xero Shoes supply the fun and benefits of being barefoot, but with a layer of protection. Feel The World, Inc. launched in December 2009. To date, over 70,000 customers, ages 1 to 91, in more than 92 countries wear Xero Shoes for walking, hiking, yoga and gym-going, Crossfit, kayaking, jogging, and even running hundred-mile ultra marathons.