Brent Beckham

Brent Beckham is a self-declared ultrarunning nut. So much so that he became a UESCA Certified Running Coach to help others accomplish their ultramarathon running goals.

He loves the magic that comes with achieving something that at first seems unattainable. And loves showing people that ultramarathons aren’t just for “crazy” people, but for everyone!

And he knows first hand. He’s trained as a new father. He’s trained with a full-time job. He’s even trained for a mountainous ultra from the flat suburbs of Ohio. He believes that if he can do it, so can you.

Since his first 50k, even as his life circumstances have changed, ultrarunning has always been his constant. He’s learned a lot of lessons along the way. He loves sharing what he’s learned along with the sport of ultrarunning in general with anyone who will listen!

For more about Brent, head to his website, or check him out on Instagram @brentsrunabout.

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