Barefoot Pat’s Xero Loop Variation

Pat's Xero Loop Barefoot Sandal tying style

Pat made a tweak to the Xero Loop style that you may like.

His video is in French (with a couple of English words tossed in, like “slip on” 😉 )

First, a few tying tips and notes:

Tying the Lace knot:

This is the knot we most commonly use, especially with our 100% polyester laces.

The “Lace Bead”:

This is the smallest “knot” you can make for your Xero Shoes.

Tying a Figure-8 knot:

If you have our original laces with the nylon core, you’ll want to use this knot.

Lacing tips:

The basic running sandal tying pattern

Barefoot Pat’s Xero Loop Variation

Notice that he also found it more comfortable to move the toe hole forward about 1/4″-1/2″.

This shows how flexible the huarache concept is; find what’s best for you and enjoy!

Step-by-Step instructions coming soon!